Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cross Creek Lake Pays Off!!!

     What a day we had at Cross Creek Lake. First things first, Cross Creek Lake falls under the "Panfish Enhancement Special Regulations," which stipulate rules that need to be followed; chances are you're going to be checked while fishing this lake.  Here is a rundown of the rules that apply: boat motors have to be 10 hp or less; 15 inches for bass with a 2 fish per day limit; 9 inches for white and black crappie with a 20 fish per day limit; 7 inches for sunfish with a twenty fish per day limit; and a limit of 50 fish combined species per day.  From what I have read, in the past twenty years since this has been introduced, these rules have really improved the quality of fishing on this lake. It is currently forecast as one of the premier fisheries in the next ten years for Pennsylvania.  The Ice was exceptional today: six inches and the weather was poor, the wind was bad and the temperatures were frigid, which, honestly, is typical for ice fishing.  Typically, while ice fishing, me and my fishing buddies have huts that we use and heaters and, believe it or not, it is quite comfortable while inside the hut. Today I was down to a thermal and flannel with jeans and felt fine.
     Fish were caught mostly on wax worms with the occasional hook up on a medium minnie. A few were also caught on night crawlers hanging off a perch-colored jig.  We fished one of the back bays and made sure to set up with the wind at our backs, making sure to try to lock the hut in due to the wind.  Fish were caught in waves with some good action for a minute or two, then a lull in the action til the next school came in. We were catching fish all day so I can't say that one hour of the day was better than another.  We fished til the buzzer sounded at 4:32 pm. I forgot to mention that you can only fish this lake til dark, and they sound a buzzer when it is time to get off the lake.  All in all, it was a good day, but not a great one. I have had better days with many more fish. On the other hand, I have had much worse days with no fish.  You take them as they come.
                                               "Dink Large Mouth"
                                             "Never Mind The Beer Cans"
                                                            "Cooler Full"

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